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Dual Fuzz + Octave Up
The Bloody Fuzz is inspired by the wild fuzzes of the 70s but with a unique and very outstanding character. Being built with a set of low gain silicon transistors and germanium diodes, and featuring two unique modes of fuzz, this pedal will allow you a variety of tones ranging from a rude and dark sound, to an evil razor that will make you bleed.
The Hiss Orbiter is a bass drive pedal. With 100% vintage audio and two switches working in series, this pedal heats up your instrument’s signal and pushes it into ranges from subtle, dynamic overdrives to bite-sized distortions. The second switch adds fuzz to the drive structure taking the sound somewhere else. The harmonics multiply as we go through the expander control and we enter the dimensions of the octafuzz.
Overdrive + Mosfet Boost
Designed to achieve a versatile and powerful sound —combining on the one hand a super transparent overdrive, with a mosfet transistor class A boost, 100% independent of each other— this creature delivers the experience the dynamics of the old tube amplifiers, allowing you to load the signal without distorting it or just crank the gain knob for some ear damage and blur the border between pleasure and pain with total impunity.
AMP IN A BOX / Fuzz / High gain overdrive
The Tube Killer was born through the search for that characteristic sound produced in some pre-70s tube amplifiers while being pushed to achieve saturated sounds. With the tubes almost melting and the speaker about to explode, some incredible sounds were produced on these amps. Featuring its two gain stages —Fuzz and Gain— added to the Tone and Voice controls, this pedal delivers that specific response. Now abide and revisit those saturated sounds from the golden age.