Ninfa Overdrive


Overdrive + Mosfet Boost

Designed to achieve a versatile and powerful sound —combining on the one hand a super transparent overdrive, with a mosfet transistor class A boost, 100% independent of each other— this creature delivers the experience the dynamics of the old tube amplifiers, allowing you to load the signal without distorting it or just crank the gain knob for some ear damage and blur the border between pleasure and pain with total impunity.

19 in stock



Ninfa Overdrive Inspira Fx

Main features

Far from modifying the essence of your sound, this pedal aims to enhance the natural voice of your instrument, faithfully respecting the highest harmonics that come from the guitar. It has a lot of headroom, it is transparent, very detailed, with a lot of volume available and with an excellent range on the gain knob.

Ninfa Overdrive Inspira Fx

Gain, tone & volume

With the gain control at zero, it can be used as a variable EQ boost, especially for modifying high frequencies, or as a saturation with that tube-type crunch. As we increase the gain, transparency is lost by modifying the EQ curve, the final sound being more loaded in the mix.

The tone control is an active high pass filter, so depending on its position, it allows to decrease or raise this frequency range from the cutoff point.

Ninfa Overdrive Inspira Fx

Class A Mosfet Boost

The second footswich activates the class A boost -with mosfet transistor- that allows to raise the volume in a super transparent way. The boost delivers a more complete and charged sound, and even allows you to saturate the amplifier organically.

With the boost control to a minimum, the volume is similar to that of the bypass signal, and the effect can be used as a buffer, hence the decibels are increasing. The boost section of the pedal can be used independently -working in series- after the overdrive effect.

Controls & specifications


Only with 9VDC power supply, negative center polarity with 2.1mm plug (standard power).


Maximum: 77mA




Use only power supply designed to power effects pedals, properly regulated and filtered. Verify that they meet the specific voltage, polarity and consumption requirements of each pedal. Do not power the pedal with a voltage higher than 9VDC.

Improper feeding of the pedal, can cause failures that are not covered by the warranty.